With an accelerated interest for automation in the manufacturing space along with intensified domestic policies, 美国制药业正在迅速发展. 根据麦肯锡和制药制造公司的报告, pharmaceutical has been historically slower to implement automation and digitalisation compared to other manufacturing sectors. 然而, the new intensified ‘Buy American’ policies and the Covid-19 pandemic are expected to change – and accelerate – the adoption of robotics in the US pharmaceutical manufacturing sector.


Business conditions for US pharmaceutical manufacturers are changing rapidly by forces including intense global pricing pressures, 高度脆弱的全球供应链, 国内保护主义政策日益增多. 根据美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)和国立卫生研究院发表的文章, 新冠肺炎疫情加快了制造业回流美国的步伐, as the country’s vulnerability to supply chain fluctuations of generic drugs and medical supplies became particularly apparent during the pandemic. The heightening concern of US dependence on China for critical medical and pharmaceutical supplies pushed the Trump administration to introduce the executive order of 保护我们的药品供应链免受2020年中国法案的影响. This act mapped out reshoring initiatives to incentivise large American pharmaceutical companies to bring their production facilities closer to home (US. 国会的年代.3537). Together with other protectionist policies introduced and suggested by both Trump and Biden administrations, the effect on the domestic production of pharmaceutical drugs in the US in the long term is projected to be positive.

As American drug producers face accelerated pressure to increase productivity of their domestic manufacturing plants to compete with labour intensive markets, 行业机构预计对自动化和机器人解决方案的需求将会增加. 根据机器人工业协会和ZMR的说法, by 2026, the global pharmaceutical robotic market is expected to reach USD 200 million with an annualised growth rate of almost 13.2%,高于2019年的9300万美元. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) claims robotic installations in the US pharmaceutical sector increased by 11.在2016年至2018年期间增长了4%, while the trajectory of growth is set to accelerate in line with the growing concern of securing 供应链 with an expected CAGR of 10 percent in the upcoming years. In 2020, life science was the sector showing the highest growth year-to-date in robotic sales order intake in 北美, 根据机器人工业协会的数据,与2019年上半年相比增长了97%.

加强监管需要解决采摘问题 & 包装

在医药制造价值链中, 机器人技术最常用于产品提取和包装的最后步骤. 北美, 美国是主导国家, has the largest market for pharmaceutical packaging globally and forecast figures by Mordor Intelligence suggest sector is expected to grow with a CAGR of 8.到2025年3%. 基于PMMI商业智能的一项调查, 美国约61%的制药商使用机器人进行包装, and both current and new users are scaling up the implementation of automation in picking and packaging processes. Swedish automation companies offering solutions for flexible configurations with high speed and accuracy could see this area as a particular potential for growth.

There is also a growing need for track and trace solutions as several new regulatory requirements come into force. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that all produced packages must be labelled with the exact mark approved by the pharmaceutical manufacturer, a process which will benefit from using robotics rather than being controlled by humans - which often is still the case. FDA的目标是到2023年在处方药生产中实现单位级可追溯性, 通过药品供应链安全法案(DSCSA)实施. Investments in new equipment will help manufacturers adapt to the rules with integrated automation supporting efficiency while maintaining compliance.


For Swedish companies looking to compete with domestic players and grow their footprint in the US pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, a local presence will be critical to meet increased requirements on domestic content while also respond to the mounting pressure to re-shore pharmaceutical manufacturing. 拜登的 购买美国货法案 是否会收紧对美国产品的国内含量和采购流程的规定, PG电子游戏, 供应链, 以及货物的运输. 引导影响药品供应链的关键问题, 操作 and customer landscape is important to create a more resilient and competitive position in the US.

PG电子游戏的团队 if you want to learn more about opportunities in the US industrial sector and how to navigate the new business landscape.